IE crashes when sending or replying to email on outlook web



About a week ago, maybe more, I started getting an IE error that says
"Internet Explorer encountered an error and will have to close" everytime I
try to send an email whether I am sending a new one or responding to one I
have received. I can still view my calendar and add things there, and view
every email, but I can not send one.

Help, I currently have Microsoft Office and am running IE7

Singapore Web Design


Try running IE6 with add-ons disabled

Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced (tab) > UNCHECK "Enable
third-party browser extensions" > OK

If it works now, one of your add-ons is causing the problem. Start Internet
Explorer as normal, Tools, Manage Add-ons, Enable or Disable Add-ons.

Disable all the add-ons. Enable third-party browser extensions in Internet

Restart your browser and enable the add-ons one by one till the problem
appears and you get the culprit.

Singapore Web Design
Singapore Web Hosting
Windows XP FAQ


thanks, however this did not fix the problem. I may have forgot, not knowing
it would matter but I am running IE7.

I followed your directions and still IE crashes when I try to send an email.


Clean your TIF and then do a defrag.
Michelle said:
thanks, however this did not fix the problem. I may have forgot, not
it would matter but I am running IE7.

I followed your directions and still IE crashes when I try to send an

Jon Kennedy

When that error message comes up, click the blue link by "To see what this
error report contains - click here". Need to know the App name and Mod name.

More info:

Or go to this article - Description and Availability of Internet Explorer
Error Reporting Tool;[LN];Q276550 - scroll down
for how to disable the Error Reporting Tool, and then let Windows capture
the error the next time. There will then be an error box with a Details
button. Need to know the XXXX caused a YYYY in module ZZZZ part. You can
leave out the stack dump numbers. Also need to know the version of Windows
the user is running.

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