IE Browser not setting Http-Referer header properly


Rudy H


My portal creates a link to an e-store hosted by another
vendor. The vendor verifies the user is coming directly
from my portal via the Http-Referer header. (The security
concerns that may or may not be relevant have been
overlooked, but any insight helpful.)

This referer-validation mechanism has been in place for a
few weeks with a user base of 1000+ users. However, we
have had two reported cases of user's not being able to
gain access to the vendor-hosted e-store. It appears that
the HTTP-REFERER header validation is failing.

I set up a test scenario on my portal that simply creates
a link on one page to a second page, where the second
page prints out the referer value using
HttpServletRequest.getHeader("referer"). The link has
been created using the standard anchor tag.

-------------- test.jsp -----------------
<title>Test Page</title>
<h2>Test page</h2>
<a href="test2.jsp">Click me</a>

-------------- test2.jsp -----------------
<title>Test Page</title>
<h2>Test page</h2>
String referer = request.getHeader("referer");
<br>The referer URL is <%= referer %>.

From my browser, I get the
expected "" value for the referer.
However, when my user with the problem hits the test page
and then follows the link, the referer that is returned
displays the value null.

I searched the Microsoft Knowledge Base and found only
the article 178066 relevant, but it only suggests that
the REFERER header will be null under the following

1) javascript:somejavascriptcode -->
2) file://c:\alocalhtmlfile.htm -->
3) -->

In my case, I am going from to

The problem user's environment:
Windows XP Pro
MS IE v6.0.2800.1106

Can anybody see why the HTTP-REFERER is returning null
for these two problem users? Is there a setting in IE
that lets users diable setting the referer header? Any
help is much appreciated!


H Leboeuf

Could this be the issue?

From: "Tony Gilbert"
Error: Object Expected - Images won't load
My problem is with I.E. 6 and Norton Internet Security, where some images on
a page load and others don't. All are available if you persist in clicking
"show picture" for each image.
It seems that Patch 4.03 for Norton Internet Security causes images loaded
from another server to be blocked by default - HTTP-REFERRER auto-block -
and must be enabled on a SITE BY SITE basis!!! Surely there is another

Rudy H

I will follow up with the users having this problem
Monday morning. Thanks for the suggestion..

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