IE 7 Issues



I currently am running Vista Beta 2, recently Internet Explorer 7 stopped
working. When it is started it locks up and then goes to a "Not Responding"
status. The problem wizard does not complete and I shut it down. Therefor I
am forced to run Firefox. I note that Beta 3 for IE7 is available however I
was unable to locate the correct download for Vista beta 2.

I am wondering on the next course I should take:

1. Uninstall IE7 and attempt to reinstall?
2. Download Beta 3? (Now where)
3. Nothing

Michael Styles

IE 7 beta 3 is only for Windows XP SP 2. You already have a newer version
with Vista.
Worse comes to worse, RC1 will be out in a couple of months.


If you have Java 5 installed, try uninstalling it.

Another poster has done an online install without problems, and other
posters report that the problem will go away if you disable UAC, but the
easiest thing to do is uninstall Java 5 and replace it with Java Beta 6.



Have you got VISTA? If you have try use the retore point. I did it a few
times when IE7+ not reposnding. Regards


Thank you to all who replied. The issue indeed was Java 5...Java 6 now
installed and it works well :)

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