IE 6 - Page cannot be displayed Please help!!!



I ran spybot and during the fix selected items, the program
hung. I rebooted and found that now when I go into IE 6,
I get 'The page cannot be displayed' error. This message
comes up no matter which site I try. (yahoo, usatoday,

I still can use Netscape to access aly website, and
send/receive email with no probs. I have reinstalled IE 6
SP1, but the prob still exists.

My system runs XP and I use a cable modem.

I think that some file is corrupted that IE uses since I
can still use netscape with no problems, but I am not sure.
I have no idea what to try next, and netscape is getting
old fast!!

Please give me any ideas that u might have. Thanks.

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Try using System Restore to take you back to a time prior to when this
began. Start\All Programs\Accessories\System Tools\System Restore.


It worked... thanks for the help. I did have a problem
in that after I got everything working, I ran spybot and
caused the same problem all over again. I ran sys
restore and am back to working again. Not sure what
spybot is removing that is causing the problem. I will
have to look into that. I think I will wait till I get
my next system checkpoint as a point to come back to
before I run spybot again.

Thanks Mike for the help.

Sharon F

It worked... thanks for the help. I did have a problem
in that after I got everything working, I ran spybot and
caused the same problem all over again. I ran sys
restore and am back to working again. Not sure what
spybot is removing that is causing the problem. I will
have to look into that. I think I will wait till I get
my next system checkpoint as a point to come back to
before I run spybot again.

Thanks Mike for the help.

Just a reminder: Be sure to use an up to date version of Spybot.
Download install. Use the program's update functions. Once it is updated,
then run it. The same applies to AdAware if you use that too.


I had this identical problem. I'm going to try the system restore and
see if that works. I believe I have already tried this once with no
success. I will post again and give you my results.


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