IE 6.028



I have been having a persistent problem with my IE. I am
running XP and if I try to open IE the first time I wait
for the annoying pop-ups, once they are open I begin to
close them and my pc locks up, then I receive the messge
that IE is shutting down do you want to send the error
report. I submit maybe 7 out of 10 reports. I then open
it again and sometimes IE will work without erroring
out. This happens everyday. I installed more memory, I
have clean my pc, I don't have much in start up. Does
anyone know what could be the problem. I have not yet
received feedback from Microsoft from the tons of reports
I send them. I am getting extremely annoyed.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Jon Kennedy

I would first do something about those pop-ups and the spyware/malware that's probably causing them.
Get Ad-Aware - with the latest reference file (they have an automatic updater tool there, too) and run it. Could be spyware/malware/adware causing this issue.

If no joy, in IE go to Tools...Internet Options...Advanced tab, Browsing section, uncheck "Enable third-party browser extensions", click Apply, click Okay, reboot. If that solves your problem, then more troubleshooting is needed to find out exactly which program, or Browser Helper Object (BHO) is causing this problem. You don't want to leave it at that, as some BHOs are useful or necessary - like Adobe Acrobat for reading .pdf files or an essential component of Norton AV. Get BHO Cop:,4149,2023,00.asp - read all about BHOs, download link is on the right, under Contents. Then uncheck all items, and then gradually replace one or two at a time to narrow down the culprit.

If no joy, go to Start...Run, "msconfig", StartUp tab and see if there is anything there that looks suspicious. You will also see the path where that program is starting from.

See this site for more information on pop-ups and possible hijacking of your system:

If no joy after cleaning things up, we'll need more information out of those error messages:
When that error message comes up, click the blue link by "To see what this error report contains - click here". Need to know the App name and Mod name.

Or go to this article - Description and Availability of Internet Explorer Error Reporting Tool;[LN];Q276550 - scroll down for how to disable the Error Reporting Tool, and then let Windows capture the error the next time. There will then be an error box with a Details button. Need to know the XXXX caused a YYYY in module ZZZZ part. You can leave out the stack dump numbers. Also need to know the version of Windows the user is running.

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