identifying shortcut keys associated with custom macros



In Excel95 or Excel97 is there a way to obtain a list of all the
keyboard shortcuts that have been assigned to custom macros?

I have an Excel based application that has over a 100 macros, many of
which are associated with keyboard shortcuts. Unfortunately, as this
tool has been developed over the years, I have not kept track of which
keys were assigned to which macros. I note that when I hit a certain
key board combination by accident, the program executes a macro. I want
to find out which macro is being executed without having to investigate
each of the macros individually.

Chip Pearson

I don't believe it is possible to get a list of custom keyboard


The following code will return what you are after:

Sub ListShortCutMenus()
Row =1
For Each cbar In CommandBars
If cbar.Type = msoBarTypePopup then
Cells(Row, 1) = cbar.Index
Cells(Row, 2) = cbar.Name
For col = 1 To cbar.Controls.Count
Cells(Row, col +2) = _
Next Col
Row = Row + 1
End If
Next cbar
End Su

Ivan F Moala

This worked for me on Xl97 and Xl2000 .... sory don't have Xl95

Option Explicit

Const strAttrShC As String = "VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "
Const strAttrSub As String = "Attribute "
Const strFoobar As String = "ZZZZzzzz"

Dim strShortCuts() As String
Dim j As Integer

Sub mGetShortCutKeys()
'// By Ivan F Moala
'// Testing done Xl97 & 2000
'// Needs a Reference to MS Visual Basics for Applications
Extensibilty lib
Dim strTempModFile As String
Dim NoComponents As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim VBP As Object

Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
NoComponents = VBP.VBComponents.Count

'// Set a Temp path
strTempModFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator &
'// inialize count
j = 0

On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To NoComponents
'// We only want Modules
If VBP.VBComponents(i).Type = 1 Then
With VBP.VBComponents(i)
'// Export The ActiveWorkbooks CodeModule
.Export strTempModFile
ReadAttribute strTempModFile
End With
End If

'// Now display it to a Sheet
With ActiveWorkbook
.ActiveSheet.[A1].Resize(UBound(strShortCuts()) + 1, 1) = _
.ActiveSheet.Columns("A").Columns.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
End With

Erase strShortCuts()

End Sub

Function ReadAttribute(strBas As String) As String
Dim strTxt As String
Dim handle As Long
Dim Pos As Long
Dim NewPos As Long
Dim PosSub As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim ShortCutKey As String
Dim SubName As String
Dim blnShift As Boolean

'// Open bas file in binary mode
handle = FreeFile
Open strBas For Binary As #handle
'// Parse enougth spaces for text
strTxt = Space(LOF(handle))
'// Read the string IN and Close the file
Get #handle, , strTxt
Close #handle

'// Lets get the ShortCut Key!
Pos = 0: NewPos = 0: x = 0
Pos = InStr(NewPos + 1, strTxt, strAttrShC)
ShortCutKey = Mid(strTxt, Pos + Len(strAttrShC) + 1, 1)
'// Is it a shortCut
If ShortCutKey = " " Then GoTo Skip
If Pos Then
'// Build SC Key
blnShift = (Asc(ShortCutKey) < 97)
ShortCutKey = IIf(blnShift, "Ctrl + shift + " &
ShortCutKey, "Ctrl + " & ShortCutKey)
x = Pos
Do Until PosSub = " "
PosSub = Mid(strTxt, x - 1, 1)
x = x - 1
SubName = Mid(strTxt, x, Pos - x - 1)
ReDim Preserve strShortCuts(j)
strShortCuts(j) = "Sub Routine Name:= " & SubName & _
" [ ShortCut:= " & ShortCutKey & " ]"
j = j + 1
PosSub = strFoobar
End If
NewPos = Pos
Loop Until Pos = 0

'// Cleanup - Delete it
Kill strBas

End Function

Stratos Malasiotis

windsurferLA said:
In Excel95 or Excel97 is there a way to obtain a list of all the
keyboard shortcuts that have been assigned to custom macros?

I have an Excel based application that has over a 100 macros, many of
which are associated with keyboard shortcuts. Unfortunately, as this
tool has been developed over the years, I have not kept track of which
keys were assigned to which macros. I note that when I hit a certain
key board combination by accident, the program executes a macro. I want
to find out which macro is being executed without having to investigate
each of the macros individually.

Just a couple of ideas. I do not know if they apply to Excel 95/97.

If you 'export' the modules that contain the macros you sould get text
documents like:
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Sub Macro1()
Attribute Macro1.VB_Description = "Macro recorded 04/02/2004 by
Attribute Macro1.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "g\n14"
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+g
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "My name is Stratos."
End Sub
Sub Macro2()
Attribute Macro2.VB_Description = "Macro recorded 04/02/2004 by
Attribute Macro2.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "D\n14"
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+D
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "I do not remenber much."
End Sub

I am not sure what you can do with that, but you could possibly:
- find (if exists) a VBE object that allow access to the
Macro1.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func attribute (Excel VBE should maintain
it somewhere in its object model)
- loop through the module (macro by macro - VBE API allows it, if I
remember correctly) and parse the text in it.
- parse the exported text file and extract the 'Keyboard Shortcut'
value or the 'VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func attribute' value
- do it manually

Similarly you could loop through all code (using the VBE API) and
automatically write code in each macro to 'print' somewhere (msgbox,
statusbar) etc. the name of the executed macro.

I hope this helps.
If I have misunderstood your query please ignore this post.

Best wishes,

Tim Childs


I like your suggested solution of exporting the module which is so
much better than the <cobbled-up> Sendkeys solution I came up with. In
particular your method will also work, I presume, with add-ins. Mine
does not as the add-in macros are not available in the
Tools-Macro-Macros dialog box

If someone has done the next stage of extracting the summary of
shortcut keys using this method, then please do post it on the



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