Ideas to start with



Hi all,
I need to create a db for a florist to orgenize his weddings.

I thought to create 2 tables:
1. General information : order number, name, location,date and time
2. flower detail: design, description, quantity, price

Then to create a form with the genral info with the floral detail as sub
form, but I`m not sure how to connect the form with the subform so the right
floral detail will be in the right wedding.

Am I on the right path or is there better way to acheive this goal?

later, I need to be able to create a list of all weddings by month and year,
some how to manipulate the wedding date as a criteria (i.e Aug 2006), then
Dblclick on a record and that will open the form with all the info.

At the end, I need to create report with money calculations, but I`ll leave
that for later.

Thanks for any input,


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

You also need an OrderDetail table with the linking field for the subform
being the order number. The flower detail table will supply the data for a
dropdown (combo) box to choose which floral arrangements in the order
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads


Sounds like you could do this by modifying NorthWind a little bit.

instead of delivery dates, you have service dates.

your products are flowers. etc

it's not terribly different. You're just selling/shipping a different
kind of widget. make a copy of Northwind, delete the data and add some
test data and play with it.


Thank you both for the input.
I took the northwind format, but in the subtotal calculation I get #Name?
What is the problem?


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

#Name can happen for 2 reasons.

1. Most usually you've misspelled something in the controlsource, or left
something missing in the controlsource.

2. Sometimes you have a references problem and a function name isn't
understood. If the first choice isn't the cause, have a look at Doug
Steele's explanation of references.:
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads

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