IDE is unable to display my apsx page


Tom Wisnowski


I am having an issue loading my aspx file in the designer.
My page inherits from a class i wrote (we will call
it "basepage") that inherits from Page. It looks something
like this:

MyPage ---> basepage ----> Page

When i try to load myPage in the desinger, it tells me
that an exception occurred trying to create an instance
of "basepage". The exception was "reference not set to an
instance of an object".

This only happens when i try to load it in the designer.
If i run the page, it displays normally.

Also, this only occurrs sporatically. If i close and open
the project many times, i can get it to go away.

What may be causing this?

Any comments will help.


Tom Wisnowski

Tom Wisnowski

Nevermind everyone,

I was calling Trace.Write in my base class constructor.
Since I didn't have a current http context, I was causing
an exception by trying to call write.

Silly Mistake ;P

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