id display's funny on form built on qry built on 2 tables ?? (usnint the form Wizard)



i create a query (qryAB) built on 2 tables... tblA and tblB

(tblB is a 'child" of tblA)
From tblA the query has 1 fielsds... idA
From tblB the query has 2 fields... idA, idB

Now I use the form Wizard to build a Form on qryAB and elect to show
all the fields in qryAB on the form

The Wizzard ask me "How do you want to view your data?"
I click on tblB and the only option is "single form" so I take this

Now my form doesn't display idA correctly... the 3 fields show like

tblA_idA -- (note the underbar should show tblA.idA)
tblB_idA -- (not ethe underbar should show tblB.idB)

so I have to go to design view, click in the fields and point them to
the correct data source.

Things seem to work after this.

Am I doing something wrong? Will forcing the fields to point to (what
I think are) the proper fields doing something that will get me in

I'm just supprised the Wizard doesn't do this as I think it should and
wonder if I am mis-understanding something.

Thanks for any help.



How did you join the tables in the query used for the form source?
Post your SQL statement. This can be done by opening the query in design
view, click on menu VIEW - SQL View, hightligh all, copy, and paste in a post.


Here is the query

SELECT tblAccts.idAcct, tblOrders.idOrder, tblOrders.idAcct FROM
tblAccts INNER JOIN tblOrders ON tblAccts.idAcct = tblOrders.idAcct;

This may help...

I noticed in design view of the form that the sql statement was in the
Record Source field insted of the query name I built the form on.

(Remember I built the form using the Form Wizard)

I clicked in the Record Source field and selected the actual query as
the Record Source... (and not the sql statement that was in the Record
Source field.)

BTW Why does the Form Wizard put the sql into the record source
instead of the query name?

thanks for the help.


I do not use using the Form Wizard.

Did changing the Record Source fix it for you?



It seemed to fixe it for me.

I don't know why the form wizard puts the actual SQL in the Record
Source field instead of the name of the query the form is built on.

Changint the Record Source for the form to be the actuql query seems
to fix it.


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