Icons Size and Monitor Resolution

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin Gal
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Kevin Gal

Very strange problem; I have a Dell XPS 1730; running vista ult; max
resolution is 1900 x 1200. I have hooked this laptop up to a 50" plasma
monitor resolution 1368 x 720 (or so). I can get the monitor to work by
reducing the res; but strange thing starts happening on the destop the icons
start getting bigger and bigger until 2 or 3 icon fill up the whole screen
(it kind of seems like it is cyling through big, bigger biggest). When I
reset the icons to small size they cycle up again without me touching the

Any ideas????
I've been having the same problem... Even worst!

Most of the application (including firefox) having the option to increase
the size of objects (text, icons, etc.) go the maximun size possible! For
what I've notice, this happends when vista acknowledge a high-resolution
screen. Up to now I can't find an option to disable this feature but I hope
there is one!

More problematic is the fact that when I disconnect my lcd (46inch) screen,
the sizing glitch stays so I have to restart the computer... Arrggghhhh!

Hope to find a solution soon!
So... You're not alone!