Icons in Taskbar System Tray



When I boot up now, usually the little button with the arrow fails to appear and several of my icons no longer appear in the task bar. Sometimes all is normal but more and more often, several aplications do not appear to load and their icons are not in the system tray. Running Check disk last time semed to sort the problem for a while but it is happening again. I am wondering if anyone else has a similar problem or can advise how to cure the problem


Yes, it's happening to me, as well. All of a sudden, my
system tray icons are gone. Rebooting countless times
does not help. Once in a while, one or two will appear
upon reboot, but even that's rare. Very strange
behavior. Must've been brought about by the latest
security upgrade...

I'd like my system tray icons back. For one, it;s the way
I know I have email waiting.

Any ideas how to remedy the problem?

-----Original Message-----
When I boot up now, usually the little button with the
arrow fails to appear and several of my icons no longer
appear in the task bar. Sometimes all is normal but more
and more often, several aplications do not appear to load
and their icons are not in the system tray. Running Check
disk last time semed to sort the problem for a while but
it is happening again. I am wondering if anyone else has a
similar problem or can advise how to cure the problem.


Yes - I have another utility that I can use to check the
contents of the startup locations. There's six programs
set to start including, Norton AV, Mail and some other
utilities. I've made no changes to any of these.

The only thing I've installed today is the Windows update
that oddly enough appeared in my system tray earlier...

But since you asked, I just now clicked Run... and typed
MSCONFIG and found the startup tab to be as I expected.
All of the programs were ticked. So, no problems there.

Looks like it's time for another patch?


Thanks for the suggestion. I did just as you described
but that did not fix it. I really think that the latest
security update from MS did something to cause this. It
just can't be anything else. Have you applied the latest
MS Security Updates, yet?


I have in Win 98 SE and and W2K on my computers and recently did it for
someone who has XP Home with no problems at all. I did make sure that I had
the AV auto file scan disabled before downloading and installing them
though; did you?

If not, why not use System Restore to go back to before you downloaded them
and try it again with the AV disabled?


Juergen Heckel

Ricky said:
but that did not fix it. I really think that the latest
security update from MS did something to cause this. It
just can't be anything else. Have you applied the latest
MS Security Updates, yet?

I have the same problem since the last MS updates too :-(


Thanks for all your replies. I have run msconfig as suggested and checked Startup and everything that should be ticked, is ticked. I haven't tried unticking and reticking etc yet.
I have just run chkdsk though and all the icons have now reloaded and the little button with the arrow is back. The trouble is that I also did that before when the problem first arose and it seemed to cure it but then it happened again...
I also wonder if it is the new Microsoft patch that has caused it as I don't remember it happening before I installed it but I cannot be sure.

Alex Nichol

John said:
When I boot up now, usually the little button with the arrow fails to appear and several of my icons no longer appear in the task bar. Sometimes all is normal but more and more often, several aplications do not appear to load and their icons are not in the system tray.

It is possible that its records of icons that are to be hidden or not
has got overloaded. You can delete the relevant registry keys manually,
but I suggest you get Kelly's Taskbar Repair Tool from


I'm experiencing the same problem after reinstalling xp and installing nearly all of the security updates - unfortunatly I installed them a group at a time so I have no idea which one caused the problem - I've tried the Repair tool as Alex Nichol suggested but it didn't work...is anyone at MS aware of this new problem?


Hi I've just tried Kelly's taskbar repair tool and it seems to have worked
Here's hoping and thanks Alex

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