I386 for clean up



i heard i can use i386 to clean up files on my computer..
i this true and how to do it
i have win xp home edition


David H. Lipman

If you mean removing c:\i386 - DON'T !


| i heard i can use i386 to clean up files on my computer..
| i this true and how to do it
| i have win xp home edition
| Thanx

Guess Who

Why not? I don't have an I386 folder on my computer> There's nothing in
that folder that can't be found on the install CD, and if needed, will be
prompted for.

David H. Lipman

For one you can't slip-stream an i386 directory on a CDROM without jumping through hoops and
creating a new one. Another is it is found w/o having to find the CDROM.

It is far ore preferable to have the directory especially considering the size of hard disks
today and the fact that the files are compressed.


| Why not? I don't have an I386 folder on my computer> There's nothing in
| that folder that can't be found on the install CD, and if needed, will be
| prompted for.
| | > If you mean removing c:\i386 - DON'T !
| >
| > Dave
| >
| >
| >
| > | > | i heard i can use i386 to clean up files on my computer..
| > | i this true and how to do it
| > | i have win xp home edition
| > |
| > | Thanx
| >
| >


David said:
For one you can't slip-stream an i386 directory on a CDROM without
jumping through hoops and creating a new one. Another is it is found
w/o having to find the CDROM.

It is far ore preferable to have the directory especially considering
the size of hard disks today and the fact that the files are


In the case of many OEM installations of WinXP, /i386/ is often the only
way to handle installation problems without completely wiping the HD to
install via an OS image. If this is removed, the user is up the creek
without the proverbial paddle since there is no installation CD to fall
back on.



no i dont mean to delete it. i heard you can free the
computer of useless files by using this I386 which would
speed up the computer

David H. Lipman

Faux info.


| no i dont mean to delete it. i heard you can free the
| computer of useless files by using this I386 which would
| speed up the computer
| >-----Original Message-----
| >If you mean removing c:\i386 - DON'T !
| >
| >Dave
| >
| >
| >
| >| >| i heard i can use i386 to clean up files on my
| computer..
| >| i this true and how to do it
| >| i have win xp home edition
| >|
| >| Thanx
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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