I want to change the background color of cells, if value is a square root.


George C.

I'm looking to change the background color of cells in my
multiplication table, if the value in the cell is a square root.

Following is a portion of the code that a responder here provided on
my original post.

It works fine, and I've not had to change it, but I now wish to change
the cell's background color as described above.

I can't figure out from the book or from online help how I'm even
supposed to access the background's color, let alone change it in the

For ir = 1 To noRows
For ic = 1 To noCols
Cells(ir, ic).Value = ir * ic
Next ic
Next ir

I suspect I have to enter something like "IF ir = ic, THEN . . . . "
before the "Next ic" statement.


Bob Phillips

For ir = 1 To noRows
For ic = 1 To noCols
Cells(ir, ic).Value = ir * ic
If ir = ic Then
Cells(ir, ic).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
End If
Next ic
Next ir



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