I want to add Text to a store bought card. How?



I bought some cards to give out from my buisness and would like to put in my
own text. how can I do this.


If the cards are large enough to go through your printer, set up a document
and set the page size to match. But before you spend time on it, check that
the cards will in fact go through the printer. If the card is small or
pre-folded you're at risk of damaging your printer.

JoAnn Paules [MSFT MVP]

It's not going to be easy.

I did something similar once for a client. I had to measure the document,
set up a new document that size. Measure where the pre-printed text was.
Then I had to figure out what kind of spacing I needed to get my text in
that location.

Run photocopies of that card and practice printing on them before you go
inserting the "good ones". And understand that whatever you do, it's liable
to look like you did exactly what you're going to do.

(Next time, get Publisher and make your own cards. Make it personal.)


As an alternative to simply printing a bland splotch onto a classy
professional card, you could attempt to create something nice on quality
paper and either simply insert it into the card or try to adhere it to the

First, though, I would evaluate whether or not you are artistically capable
of this. If a salesman walked into your business and showed you what you're
trying to create, would you buy it? If a graphics designer was going to
charge you money to create what you are doing, would you pay it? If not,
consider getting someone with a better eye for graphics. Your business
deserves it.

My 1.2 cents

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