I want my X axis to have 5-10 minute intervals



I have stats where I would like to have 5-10 minute intervals for my x axis.
The Y axis has simple numbers. For example:

Date/hour/minutes Y
7/14/05 23:45 45
7/14/05 23:50 50
7/15/05 01:00 40

It is only producing a chart with all the different incremental values
spread in equal proportions - I want the numbers to appear closer to each
other (the first two are only 5 minutes apart - the last two are 15 minutes
apart) as they should - otherwise the chart is off and spread way out rather
than looking a a correct time frame.

I have tried with day timelines but it will not divide the days for me only
- I have also tried to use the general number rather than the time/hour
number as the min and maximum values.

Please help, it is driving me crazy.

Jon Peltier

Dianne -

Construct an XY chart, not a Line chart. You can use a style that connects the
points with lines.

To set your scales, double click the axis. Although Excel expects a regular decimal
value, you can enter date-time values for min, max, and spacing. For example, enter

7/14/05 23:45 for minimum,

7/15/05 01:15 for maximum, and

0:05 for major spacing.

When you access this dialog again, Excel will have converted your entries to
decimals, but you can overwrite them with the more readily understood data-times.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


Thank you all for your valuable assistance. I am using an XY scatter chart.
Mr. Peltier gave me great information regarding the scales. Here is my next

I used:
7/13/04 12:00 38181.4 minimum
7/14/04 03:30 38182.2 maximum
0:05 0.1 major spacing
0.01 minor (defaults itself)

The axis comes out with tick marks at:
7/13/04 9:36 12:00 14:24 1 6:48 19:12 21:36
7/14/04 0:00 2:24 4:48

I would like it to read on the chart as ticks on the hour or half hour.
Rather than 2hours 24 min marks

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jon Peltier

Dianne -

Type the time value for the desired tick spacing into the boxes in the
Scale dialog. So enter 0:30 for a half hour. Behind the scenes Excel
converts it to a decimal, but don't worry about that.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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