i want delete files, but i can't



For some strange reason everytime I go to delete/rename
or change the location of a avi file (as in a movie file -
so far i have only experienced this problems with these
files) it come up with the error:

Cannot delete "file name" it is being used by another
person or program.

Close any programs that might be using the file and try

Now i have done that to the best of my ability and to no
avail i still cannot delete the files. the only way i
have found is to go into "safe mode" and delete them from
the cmd screen there. now i'm sure you'll agree that this
is a most annoying hassle.

I'm running XP Pro, it is on a home network but the files
are in an unshared location. please help as this is realy
annoying me.

Chris Lanier

To correct this misbehavior in Windows XP, remove the
following registry key.

Goto Start>>Run>>Type "regedit" goto
4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}\InProcServer32] - Delete this key

This will prevent Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in
response to file property queries on these files.

John Braswell

-----Original Message-----
For some strange reason everytime I go to delete/rename
or change the location of a avi file (as in a movie file -
so far i have only experienced this problems with these
files) it come up with the error:

Cannot delete "file name" it is being used by another
person or program.

Close any programs that might be using the file and try
--------------------------------------------------------- -

Now i have done that to the best of my ability and to no
avail i still cannot delete the files. the only way i
have found is to go into "safe mode" and delete them from
the cmd screen there. now i'm sure you'll agree that this
is a most annoying hassle.

I'm running XP Pro, it is on a home network but the files
are in an unshared location. please help as this is realy
annoying me.
It sounds as though you may have another application such
as media player open when you are trying to access the
file. Make sure that you do not have any other apps open
and access the file through My Computer. Right click,
select copy, then you can paste the file into the app
that you are using such as Outlook Express.

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