I want data to be automaticaaly entered into a form text box when.



I have a simple task to perform.

When a user clicks a hyperlink I want to take that user to a form and insert
4 characters of information into the first text box (to identify which
hyperlink he clicked). I can't see how to do it, but it muct be possible.
Any idea's, please?


Well, it's not an elegant coded solution, but you could have each of the
4 hyperlinks go to a different form, each of which is identical except
for an identifier indicating which hyperlink points to it.

Stefan B Rusynko

See http://www.developer.irt.org/script/form.htm#10.3


| I have a simple task to perform.
| When a user clicks a hyperlink I want to take that user to a form and insert
| 4 characters of information into the first text box (to identify which
| hyperlink he clicked). I can't see how to do it, but it muct be possible.
| Any idea's, please?
| Regards
| Andy

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