I think I found a Security vulnerability in IE 6.0



Not a very major issue, but a malicous user has the ability to crash Internet
Explorer 6.0 on an unsuspecting user's computer., not sure to the extent of
what browser versions this affects, as I have only tested IE 6.0. The issue
occurs when the offending page contains an IFRAME and the following
Javascript code is run in:

document.all['myIFrame'].src = "javascript:;";

In my situation the code was run from a modal dialog so there was no
security warning about the close. My assumption is that the Iframe is in a
vulnerable state when the close() function is called, causing a memory
leak/protection fault of some kind.. just my guess..


flatliner60 said:
Not a very major issue, but a malicous user has the ability to crash Internet
Explorer 6.0 on an unsuspecting user's computer., not sure to the extent of
what browser versions this affects, as I have only tested IE 6.0. The issue
occurs when the offending page contains an IFRAME and the following
Javascript code is run in:

document.all['myIFrame'].src = "javascript:;";

In my situation the code was run from a modal dialog so there was no
security warning about the close. My assumption is that the Iframe is in a
vulnerable state when the close() function is called, causing a memory
leak/protection fault of some kind.. just my guess..
well if a site is bad enough to exploit you... there doing a favor by
closing it


Surely I don't need to point out the flaws in that logic...
If the page is hosted in an E-mail from a trusted sender, goodbye Outlook or
Outlook Express...
If the code is hosted in a scripted banner ad... goodbye host page...
If the IE version is earlier than 6.0 (assuming this issue affects earlier
versions of IE) Then say goodbye to every single instance IE running on your

- Andrew

Michael said:
flatliner60 said:
Not a very major issue, but a malicous user has the ability to crash Internet
Explorer 6.0 on an unsuspecting user's computer., not sure to the extent of
what browser versions this affects, as I have only tested IE 6.0. The issue
occurs when the offending page contains an IFRAME and the following
Javascript code is run in:

document.all['myIFrame'].src = "javascript:;";

In my situation the code was run from a modal dialog so there was no
security warning about the close. My assumption is that the Iframe is in a
vulnerable state when the close() function is called, causing a memory
leak/protection fault of some kind.. just my guess..
well if a site is bad enough to exploit you... there doing a favor by
closing it

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