I started network trouble at work


Cable Guy


I'm looking for some enlightenment.

First off I'm NOT a computer guy, I run the Engineering Dept. of a large
facility that uses a computer controlled energy management system (HVAC,
lighting). We used the corporate XP server network to connect 2 XP computer
work stations (front-end to the control network) to each other. We hooked
the first computer (in the office, also accesses the internet, intranet) to
the control network and installed the software and database then going thru
the corporate network and server (router,switches, cat5 cable) allowed the
second computer (mechanical room) to access the database and thereby the
control network. Our network vendor insisted that the connection be made
thru the server domain so he could control privileges and security, the
problem is we are having numerous glitches between the network setup and the
control software setup and each vendor points his finger at the other guy
(and they both bill us). After talking to the control system vendor I
allowed him to come in and "disconnected" the second computer (mechanical
room) from the corporate network by creating a workgroup for it to access
the database and control network (still using the switches and cat5 cable)
on the office computer. My office computer remains on the corporate domain
and has access to the internet and corp. network. Everything works fine.

Now the problem starts, our network vendor came in today to update our
antivirus and finds the mechanical room computer off the domain and goes
berserk! He swears we have created a "hole" in the corporate network and
that the network can be hacked into and compromised (not sure if he meant
thru the internet or the machine). Control vendor says he's wrong, my boss
sides with the network vendor. We shut down and disconnected the machine
room computer till we get together on Monday.

Now I have to go into a meeting on Monday and decide who is right? If the
network guy is right we will have to buy a second office computer and run a
dedicated cable. BTW these two computers are on different levels of the
building so using existing cable was advantageous.

Thanks in advance if you care to comment.


Hire a consultant (with a much higher rate) to decide which contractor is
correct. (Only a joke. I'm retired now but ran into many similar situations
in my old jobs).

The problem you are having is very difficult to get an answer from a
newsgroup like this. You have a very technical problem that almost requires
direct contact. Since you said you have a Corporate Network you should have
company System Administrators who control the overall network. They would be
the ones I would work with first although you said you need it Monday so
that is not going to be an answer.

Another thing I would do is talk to a few of the "better" engineers in your
department. I've found a difficult situation was solved many times by
talking to the right person.

Neither suggestion would help your immediate problem but it might help the
long term situation.

Sorry I couldn't help you any more than this.



This sounds like more of a people problem then a
technical problem. It seems like you need to get both
vendors in the same room together so they can actually
figure out a solution. It's harder to place blame on the
other guy when the other guy is right there to respond.
You can put pressure on the network vendor to cooperate
by telling him you already found a working solution with
the other vendor, and if he has a problem with that
solution he needs to come up with another solution. The
network serves the needs of the company, the company
doesn't serve the needs of the network.

Of course, this will be a lot easier if you have your
bosses support, which you might not have if he
wholeheartedly sides with the network vendor. Even if
you have to buy another computer, you can get a computer
pretty cheap compared to the cost of a bunch of vendor
fees. (Running a dedicated cable sounds like a pain,

Cable Guy


Thanks for the input. It ends up we are going to setup a separate network
(just 2 computers) and probably a T1 line to use Remote admin with. We are
going to do it in house with the control vendors help. I have seen quite
alot of posts and answers here to help me.

Thanks Again

Cable Guy said:

I'm looking for some enlightenment.

First off I'm NOT a computer guy, I run the Engineering Dept. of a large
facility that uses a computer controlled energy management system (HVAC,
lighting). We used the corporate XP server network to connect 2 XP


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