I Search an editable TreeView on Pocket PC



Hello !

I search an Editable TreeView on Pocket PC (like IE on PC with F2 Key)

The native Control of Compact Framework 1.0 or 2.0 do not have this

We tried to use a subclassing method to do this or use
OpenNetCF.ApplicationEx Pump messsage to catch every message on Classical
TreeView (to floating a textBox over the treeView) but It seems very
complexe approach and not very "serious"

We tried too change the Win32 STYLE of TreeView Control handle : it work
fine too BUT the Managed objet of the control (TreeNode, ...) are, so,
desynchronize with the real Win32 Control ... (It'is an evidence but It is a
problem ! :blush:) )

Someone may know a freeware, shareware or commercial control to do this on
Pocket PC / CF 1.0 / C# plateform ??

thank a lot for your help !!!

Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]

That's usually handled by popping up an EDIT control when the user does
something and placing that control at a suitable location to make it look
like the item is being edited. I'm not aware of any 'packaged controls'
that do this automatically (and I'm not sure what they'd do with the
modified data once you changed it, anyway).

Paul T.

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