I need to write a sentence that contains references to cells in a workbook. Help?



I know that if you write text such as ="Today is "&C19&

and in cell C19 you have the word "Friday", your sentence will ente
Friday in the text string. That much I know.

However, if the value of C19 is say, 3/12/04, then the text string wil
NOT paste the date, but rather the numerical value like 38058.

I tried changing the format of my cell with this string to date, bu
that didnt help.

Any way to pull the date into a sentence such as this without having i
convert to the numerical values?


Dave Peterson

="today is " & text(c19,"mm/dd/yyyy") & char(10) & "It's a " & text(c19,"dddd")

(if you set the cell for linewrap, it'll look like multiple lines, too)


Actually, I realize now that I need to know how to retain formatting i
general when I am writing a text string that contains references t
other cell values.

I am losing my currency signs, getting endless decimals, etc.

Please help,

Paul B

Give this a try ="Today is "&TEXT(C19, "DDDD") or if you want it with
today without refrencing a cell
="Today is "&TEXT(TODAY(), "DDDD")

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2000 & 97
** remove news from my email address to reply by email **


="Today is "&TEXT(C19,"MM/DD/YY") if you prefer the 3/12/04

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

CLR said:
="Today is "&TEXT(C19,"MMMM DD, YYYY")

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Frank Kabel

Excel formuals can't copy the formulas. They can only return values. In
your case (building strings) you may use TEXT. e.g.
TEXT(cell_reference,"format code")

e.g. if A1 contains an EUR value try
=TEXT(A1,"0,00 €")

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