I need help

Mar 10, 2005
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Hey folks,

My name is Steve, I have been building computers for about 17 years, my first was a 4.7 Mhz 8086 when I was 12 the last is my dual 2.666 Ghz Xeon on a Asus PC-DL Deluxe mobo.

This is a very impressive web site. I hope to be able to add some good input here. I am building a peltier/water/aircooler for my computer. 2 xeons get hot on a summer day in southern California. My only problem is a power supply. 7v @ 20amps or 3.5v @ 40 amps YEAH!! What fun.

Edit - no advertising please

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Hi Steve,
I too intend to set up my own site (will go live sometime within the next month) and would be interested in affiliating so maybe we could both trade some traffic.