I need help with formula...



My formula isn't working... :(

=IF((F23+J28)-F29)<>80,"The Total does not equal 80 Hours. Is this

What am I missing? Or have I added something that shouldn't be there?
I am adding to cells, and then subtracting one. I want the Total cell to
equal what it is, but if it's not equal to 80, then to display the message
from above. My syntax has to be bad... Any help is appreciated! THANK


Try this one:

=IF((F23+J28)-F29<>80,"The Total does not equal 80 Hours. Is this


Niek Otten

Hi Michael,

=IF(F23+J28-F29<>80,"The Total does not equal 80 Hours. Is this

But are you sure there are no invisible decimals in the cells? Format as
General to check.


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel


Thanks Niek... that worked!! I had no invisible decimals (that I could
see). Is there a way I can get that message to display in a yellow popup
help or notify window?

Thanks again!

- Michael T M


Thanks for the post. I couldn't get that one to work though... I appreciate
your reply however... thanks.


Interesting. It seems to work when I copy and paste it back into the
workbook. I see you have another response that did work for you.
What error did you receive when you tried the formula I posted.



Hey Quadruple T&J... you are correct... it did in fact work! When I
initially tried it, I didn't see it span the cell... so I assumed it didn't
work. But after re-checking... I see that it does. Thank you very much for
you help...

I posted another question along the lines of this one... I've tried and
tried... but it keeps bombing on me. I posted this before I knew your
formula would work...

It is this....

With the help of a Community member, the following formula works....

=IF(F23+J28-F29<80,"The Total does not equal 80 Hours. Is this

However... I need to add this (or something that will function correctly)
to the same formula... IF(F23+J28-F29>80,-F24)

I need the cell to subtract cell F24 if it is greater than 80.

I had this... but it doesn't work...
=IF(F23+J28-F29<80,"The Total does not equal 80 Hours. Is this

What I am trying to accomplish is: F30 is the Total hours for 2 weeks. It
should be 80. If it is greater than 80, I need to subract the difference,
which should already be present in the Comp Time cell (F24), which should
bring the Total back to 80. If it is less than 80, it will give the value
from the formula above that works.

Again thx for any help. I have been trying to get these to work on my own
before turning to help... but it keeps giving me errors. :(

All is appreciated!
Michael T M

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