I need help with access



How would you delete all the info in the same column going down? In excess you can highlight down the colum and just hit delete, how would you do that in access 97, without..arrowdown, delete, arrowdown delete ect..fingers get tired after doing 1000 some odd cells..

Rick Brandt

Tamara Miller said:
How would you delete all the info in the same column going down? In excess
you can highlight down the colum and just hit delete, how would you do that
in access 97, without..arrowdown, delete, arrowdown delete ect..fingers get
tired after doing 1000 some odd cells..

Access is a database, not a spreadsheet and the tools/methods are different.
In a database you would use an update query to do this.

UPDATE SomeTable
SET SomeField = Null

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