I need a quick option to translate ppt file to another language?



Urgent request.....Does anyone know of a way I can translate a whole ppt file
to another language (i.e. spanish-mexico to English)?


yes translate several files from Spanish (Mexico) to English....!! any ideas
gratefully received!

Steve Rindsberg

yes translate several files from Spanish (Mexico) to English....!! any ideas
gratefully received!

You'll probably have to give a copy of the presentation file to a capable
translator. They'll select the Spanish text and replace it with an English
translation of same.

Read the results carefully ... I used to get presentations that'd been
translated from English to Spanish by alleged professionals and even with my
leftover and very moldy college Spanish I could tell that the results were


Thanks Steve, unfortunately that's the only conclusion I've come to aswell.

It appears much easier to translate in word (i.e.
http://www.translution.com) but there isn't anything similar for powerpoint.

Thanks for replying though.

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