I need a continuous 30 day calendar to track overtime worked.



I am trying to track the last 30 days people worked overtime. I want to set
up my spreadsheet with the columns as the last 30 days and the rolls as
individual employees. If a person works today I enter the number of hours
worked under todays date column. Thrity days from now I will delete the
column form today. This is where I need help. When I drop (or delete) the
column that is 30 days old, I need to have the new column come on to the
spredsheet with the new (todays) date. I need to see the last 30 days of
information and to be able to pull that information like the number of days
worked and the number of hours worked.

PS. I am a beginner in excel so please keep replies simple to understand.


To keep things easy and simple, set up your spreadsheet as follows:

Leave column B Blank
Enter dates starting with the current date in row 1 columns C through
Leave Column AG Blank
Enter formulas for total hours worked in Column AH:
e.g. =sum(B1:AG1)

Enter formulas for total days worked in column AI:

e.g. =COUNTIF(B2:AG2,">0") This will return the count of all days

To update the spreadsheet:

Insert a column before column AG and enter today's date in cell AG1
Delete Column C

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