I have a strange problem that just occoured


Sam Manson

Some how yesterday my system started making ariel (only, I believe) fonts
italicized in browsers (Firefox and IE). First I thought this was a
problem with my website and wasted a good part of the day yesterday trying
to fix it. Then I discovered that the problem did not happen on my other
computer. Then when running Ad-aware I noticed that the text on the main
screen of Ad-aware was all italics. It just seems to happen in programs
that are based on a browser and use certain fonts.

I have the most recent virus updates and scanned the system with Norton
and AV anti viruses and found nothing. I also have run Ad-aware and Spybot
but the problem is still there. Everything else seems to be running fine.

Anyone have any ideas?

Sam Manson

Some how yesterday my system started making ariel (only, I believe)
fonts italicized in browsers (Firefox and IE). First I thought this was
a problem with my website and wasted a good part of the day yesterday
trying to fix it. Then I discovered that the problem did not happen on
my other computer. Then when running Ad-aware I noticed that the text on
the main screen of Ad-aware was all italics. It just seems to happen in
programs that are based on a browser and use certain fonts.

I have the most recent virus updates and scanned the system with Norton
and AV anti viruses and found nothing. I also have run Ad-aware and
Spybot but the problem is still there. Everything else seems to be
running fine.

Can anyone give me ANY ideas on this please. I can not get rid of the
italics in either browser and it is driving me nuts.

Sam Manson

Did you check the preferences/appearance settings in your browser?

Yes John , I checked the options in both IE and Firefox. Nothing there
that I could see.

It's only in the two browsers and Ad-aware that I can see. I removed
Firefox and reinstalled and rolled back Explorer and then upgraded it
again. I still have the problem.

There does not seem to be many people into this type of thing in this
group, anyone have an idea of a better group to ask this in?


Steve Nielsen

Did you check your font settings for Inactive Window, Active Window and
Message Box under the Appearance tab in Display Properties? Mine are all
Tahoma font, which is default under the standard Windows scheme.


Sam Manson

Did you check your font settings for Inactive Window, Active Window and
Message Box under the Appearance tab in Display Properties? Mine are all
Tahoma font, which is default under the standard Windows scheme.

Yes I did Steve. They are also Tahoma in mine. This is not happening in
everything. Well...

Just while I was writing this I had an idea. I opened word and typed some
text, selected it and then changed the font to arial. Guess what. The text
became italics. So Word does it also and it is the arial font. Same thing
in WordPad.

Maybe I have to remove and reinstall the arial font? Will give that a try
I guess.

Sam Manson

Did you check your font settings for Inactive Window, Active Window and
Message Box under the Appearance tab in Display Properties? Mine are all
Tahoma font, which is default under the standard Windows scheme.

Well after my last post I went to remove the Arial font from the font
folder and found that it did not even exist. I deleted the Arial italic
font and opened a web page and now the text was not in italics, it was
bold. My guess is that with the arial font missing windows droped back to
the italic font, then the bold one when I removed the italic font. I
expanded the Arial and Arial italic fonts on to my machine from the
install CD and reinstalled them to the font folder and everything is
working fine now.

I guess I just need to talk about it with someone to trigger ideas. Thanks
for the help guys.

Steve Nielsen

Glad you got it sorted out.


Sam said:
Well after my last post I went to remove the Arial font from the font
folder and found that it did not even exist. I deleted the Arial italic
font and opened a web page and now the text was not in italics, it was
bold. My guess is that with the arial font missing windows droped back to
the italic font, then the bold one when I removed the italic font. I
expanded the Arial and Arial italic fonts on to my machine from the
install CD and reinstalled them to the font folder and everything is
working fine now.

I guess I just need to talk about it with someone to trigger ideas. Thanks
for the help guys.

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