I can't stand when someone types there whole question into the sub



Hello Bobby,
Look at this way. Why should someone type for 10 minutes when they can
supply a link for that person to find an answer? It is less chance for error
and more chance to move on and help someone else. Also, there can be more
than one answer to an issue . Again, this frees people up to help more
users. I will tell you this, most of the people who use those links know
what they are doing or they would not have put them there. Some people come
here not just wanting help but someone to hold their hand and do the work for
them. So think of the time those links save the next time you are wondering
why no one has gotton to your next post. Best of luck to you.
Ron J


Very good point Ron. : )

Ron J said:
Hello Bobby,
Look at this way. Why should someone type for 10 minutes when they can
supply a link for that person to find an answer? It is less chance for error
and more chance to move on and help someone else. Also, there can be more
than one answer to an issue . Again, this frees people up to help more
users. I will tell you this, most of the people who use those links know
what they are doing or they would not have put them there. Some people come
here not just wanting help but someone to hold their hand and do the work for
them. So think of the time those links save the next time you are wondering
why no one has gotton to your next post. Best of luck to you.
Ron J

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


What would you rather do?.. wait for somebody who knows a particular problem
inside out to type out a full in-depth answer, or get a link that takes you
to somebody who knows a particular problem inside out and has already typed
out a full in-depth answer?..

OK.. so you want to update your HP printer software or maybe download a
manual for it.. you can take the option of

Googling for it.. type in a Google search 'HP printer drivers' and this is
the statistic for the search..

Results 1 - 10 of about 918,000 for HP printer drivers. (0.24 seconds)

The FIRST website listed is www.hp.com

Or if you know the name of the company, type into the IE search box '
www.hp.com '.. that will take you straight to the site

Or find a relevant newsgroup, ask the question 'where do I get XP drivers
and a manual for my HP printer' .. and possibly wait 24 hours for a reply,
which will be www.hp.com ..

Can you see why some of us suggest Googling for information?.. it is in the
users best interest to Google first.. if after searching, they do not
understand what they are seeing, by all means come to a newsgroup and ask

Shenan Stanley

Bobby28 said:

Well, the truth is - that is all that is needed in most cases.
Why type out everything when it is all on web pages (usually well thought
out) already?


It also makes the person who has the problem do a little of the
work/search/research themselves.
In this manner they are more likely to actually learn something instead of
learning nothing by being given the answer directly.
I see a lot of silly questions here by people who have seemingly never ever
explored their computer,who dont even know Google exists,or that XP has a
build in "help&support".Some people do have very serious problems and most
of them are answered in a very intellegent and helpful manner .

Steve N.

Shenan said:
Well, the truth is - that is all that is needed in most cases.
Why type out everything when it is all on web pages (usually well thought
out) already?

Posting links are fine when they actually address the issues.
Personally, I read the links I post before posting them to make sure
they are applicable. I also like to actually TRY solutions before giving
advice when I can.


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