I can't online print order


Bruce Chambers

Liz said:
my online print ordering wizard doesn't show pictures

What is an "online print ordering wizard?" What specific application
provides such a thing?


Bruce Chambers

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Liz Bon said:
my online print ordering wizard doesn't show pictures

is located on mi picture folder/picture tasks, there, I have this option
"order prints online" than, Online print ordering wizard window

Tom Willett

From what company?

Liz Bon said:
is located on mi picture folder/picture tasks, there, I have this option
"order prints online" than, Online print ordering wizard window


She's got 'show common tasks in folders' enabled and 'folder view' not
selected. There is an 'order prints online' option, and when I click on it
it does have the split-pane view with pictures to select from on the right.


no offense intended, but to be fair, you really didn't provide a whole lot
of information. How was anyone to know that you have done this before, and
knew that the 'My Pictures' folder has to have pictures in it...One thing
I've learned is you can't take anyone, or anything for granted...anyway..
try this from the 'run' command

If that doesn't work, open regedit follow this path,

Double-click ContentTypeFilter value and set it's data to image/*

The above fix is from Ramesh's Site...

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