I cannot accept tasks since today



I as well as my collegues (not same server nor network) cannot accept tasks
in the inbox anymore. If I double click the task goes to the tasklist but
does not dissapear form the inbox.

If I try to replay: It wants to replay to myself instead of to the sender.

Only change we made all three yesterday is accept the automatic update of
microsoft. Any relation possible (or known)?

Thanks, Menno van Leewen


I am in the same situation, except double-clicking produces no effect. Even
right-clicking and selecting 'open' does nothing but change it from bold to
normal, as if I'd actually read the message.
Also, replying goes back to me as well, not to the sender of the task
request. Lastly, the only change I've made is also just accepting the
automatic update from that day.

I hope someone knows what's going on....



Bradford you are right double clicking new task does not have any effect. I
consulted someone that did not accept the updates last days (3 xtimes
security updates (2x windows + 1x outlook)) and he could accept the task
without problems. So mayby their is a relations between the patches and the
malfunction of outlook.



I am experiencing the same issue of not being about to accept task
assignments. this started after the security update on 1/12/06 I believe. i
can assign tasks to someone that has NOT taken the download and they can
accept. the issue comes when they or anyone else that HAS taken the new
update try and assign to me or anyone else who has had the update. you don't
have the ability to accept or decline the tasks anymore. any news on an
update in progress? i can see a bunch of people having issues within news
groups and here with this issue. Please reply.




I have send the problem to an Microsoft engineer. Lucky for us that he
experienced the same problem after accepting my task. The case as described
by Jason is, as far as I can see, a very accurate case describtion. I have
forwarded the analysis to Microsoft.

Thanks Jason,


Wonderful, Menno! I hope to see the results here soon. If I happen to find
an answer first, I'll post here as well.



I also hope to see an answer posted here for this problem soon. Really would
like to get this task feature working again.




I have the solution. You have to go to the configurationsettings. Chosse
software and also select updates. Find the Office 2003 section and you will
see update with the identification KB892843. Maybye even twice. You have to
remove these.

The same procedure should be followed by the parties you deal with. If you
have done this all will work well again.

Good luck.



Thank goodness someone else was experiencing this too! I thought I was
going nuts.

Thanks Menno for your posting, but I'm not sure I understand your
instructions. If I go to MSConfig, 'software' is not one of the options.
Can you be a little more descriptive? I would really appreciate it!!

Thanks again,


Hi Debbie,
I have the dutch version of windows XP but will try to explain and imagine
who the descriptions will be in the English version.

1. Go to Start
2. Find the configurationpanel
3. The option add and remove programms is there somewhere
4. Select the option
5. In the middle on the top you find the checkbox which tells to show updates
6. Chooce it.
7. Scroll down and find Office 2003
8. In the indented section there you find update with KB892843 (1 or 2)
9. Remove them.
close all programms
restart you computer
call your businessmates and ask them if they can do the same
And I hope you will be in the air again.



This is happening to us now - two of three machines cannot accept tasks.

The machines that cannot accept tasks have all current maintenance, but
unfortunately KB892843 is not installed. Might this bad hotfix be rolled
into an Office SP2 Update (which I know I installed but can't find in
Add/Remove Programs)? BCM is at 2.00.4324.00, Office is at 11.8101.6568 SP2.

Mark D

This is happening to us as well Jonathan, we also do not have this
KB892843 item. At the moment I'm very aggrivated as our company uses
tasks constantly to track work.

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