I can get only Microsoft newsgroups


Barry Karas

30/Oct/2005 11:39

I can get only Microsoft newsgroups.

How can I receive other newsgroups? [This is the main reason why I am
ALWAYS go to this newsgroup for service and support questions.]

Thank you,

Barry Karas

Will Denny


Which other News Groups are you looking for? Has your ISP got a News Server
that other NGs may be available on?


Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

Yves Leclerc

Of course you will only get Microsoft news group. If you only use,
msnews.microsoft.com, this is a server for only Microsoft public newsgroup.
You need to speak with your ISP to see what other newsgroup servers that
they offer.

Barry Karas


Which other News Groups are you looking for? Has your ISP got a News Server
that other NGs may be available on?

All newsgroups, not just MS ones.

Barry Karas

Shenan Stanley

Barry said:
I can get only Microsoft newsgroups.

How can I receive other newsgroups? [This is the main reason why I am
ALWAYS go to this newsgroup for service and support questions.]

Will said:
Which other News Groups are you looking for? Has your ISP got a
News Server that other NGs may be available on?

Barry said:
All newsgroups, not just MS ones.

You've left us hanging here, Barry.
We have no frame of reference.

I see you use "Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 English Edition". Okay - you
have a real newsreader.
My question to you now is "What newsgroup server do you connect to?"

That's going to dictate what you see.. All the control is in your hands.
If you connect to "news.microsoft.com", then guess what you are going to
see. But if you connect to your local ISP's newsgroups - you might see SOME
of the Microsoft newsgroups, but not all (or you might see none) in your
list available to subscribe to. You would likely see other newsgroups as
well. Some may be local to your ISP only - some may be distributed
world-wide. What you see to subscribe to is determined byt those who manage
the newsgroup servers.


Good luck!

James Silverton

Yves wrote on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 10:21:17 -0500:

YL> ??>> 30/Oct/2005 11:39
Of course you will only get Microsoft news group. If you
only use,
msnews.microsoft.com, this is a server for only Microsoft
public newsgroup.
You need to speak with your ISP to see what other newsgroup
servers that
??>> I can get only Microsoft newsgroups. ??>>
??>> How can I receive other newsgroups? [This is the main
??>> reason why I am ALWAYS go to this newsgroup for service
??>> and support questions.]
??>> Thank you,
??>> Barry Karas

It may be trivial but it might be worth mentioning that, once
you know what news servers are available, they are added by the
route Tools/Accounts/News/Add. In addition to the server
provided by your ISP you might try a Google search on free
news servers .

James Silverton.

Shenan Stanley

James said:
It may be trivial but it might be worth mentioning that, once
you know what news servers are available, they are added by the
route Tools/Accounts/News/Add. In addition to the server
provided by your ISP you might try a Google search on free
news servers .

Is that how Forte NewReader adds them?

James Silverton

Shenan wrote on Wed, 9 Nov 2005 09:57:31 -0600:

SS> James Silverton wrote:
??>> It may be trivial but it might be worth mentioning that,
??>> once you know what news servers are available, they are
??>> added by the route Tools/Accounts/News/Add. In addition to
??>> the server provided by your ISP you might try a Google
??>> search on free news servers .

SS> Is that how Forte NewReader adds them?

SS> --
SS> Shenan Stanley

Sorry, I've never tried Forte but I'll be surprised if the
process is fundamentally different from Outlook Express, tho'
the terminology doubtless differs.

James Silverton.

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