I am doing a calculation in excel, I am multiplying a figure by a



I have multiplied a figure by 30% eg 71.35 to give 92.76 then compared it
against another column with 92.76 in it and timed it by 1 and the answer
should be 0.00 but because of the extra decimal places it comes up as .01. I
s there any way you can use the figure as shown after it has been formatted
to 2 decimal places rather than the hidden decimal places



=ROUND(your formula,2)

to round the result off to 2 decimal places. You can also use ROUNDUP(
) or ROUNDDOWN( ).

Hope this helps.


JE McGimpsey

One way:

Choose Tools/Options/Calculation. Check the Precision As Displayed

Note that this will affect every calculation.

An alternative is to use ROUND()

=ROUND(71.35*1.3, 2)

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