I am Amazed - Part 33 1/3


Bill Yanaire

The story opens with Tiberius sneaking into the dark rat infested industrial
warehouse, abandoned for years with the exception of a DSL connection, a
computer with Vista and plenty of time on his hands.

Tiberius searches the internet in vain, hunting for stories about
alternative products, negative stories regarding Vista so he can fulfill his
dream of educating the masses about the shortcomings of Vista and it's
plight on the American economy.

During this mass posting, executives at the local television stations have
noticed this one man (or boy), trying to right the wrongs of Microsoft, and
want to create a Reality show with Tiberius as the main character. Save us
from the evil empire. Negotiations are ongoing at the moment and a pilot
will be filmed in the near future.

Stay tuned....

Chad Harris


If this ever got on the air,it would be off in a fraction of the time Jerico
went off before the nut campaign reversed the CBS suits.

There are a million blogs and sites that do this better, including a few
from within MSFT by disatisfied veteran employees who are developers who
know the software well.

How 'bout ole MSFT stacking the DOJ against Google's complaint with the
former lead antitrust counsel defending them defecting to DOJ. LOL how many
people leave a private law firm to go *to DOJ?


The Lewis Libby countdown to prison continues, with Louie Louie Scooter
scootin' toward prison from Reggie Walton's courtroom (he will get a letter
from BOP mandating his reporting) as his 12 luminary lawyers who are all
losing giving the multimillionaire liar pro bono appellate work as they rush
to the D.C.Circuit on the dumbest grounds ever. They will fail and Scooter
is stupid to think otherwise. Dershowitz is already well aware of the


Bill Yanaire said:
The story opens with Tiberius sneaking into the dark rat infested industrial
warehouse, abandoned for years with the exception of a DSL connection, a
computer with Vista and plenty of time on his hands.

Tiberius searches the internet in vain, hunting for stories about
alternative products, negative stories regarding Vista so he can fulfill his
dream of educating the masses about the shortcomings of Vista and it's
plight on the American economy.

During this mass posting, executives at the local television stations have
noticed this one man (or boy), trying to right the wrongs of Microsoft, and
want to create a Reality show with Tiberius as the main character. Save us
from the evil empire. Negotiations are ongoing at the moment and a pilot
will be filmed in the near future.

Stay tuned....

WHo said he ever even USED Vista? Honestly, I admit there are problems and
they can be seen as minor or major depending on what you need to do. but
SERIOUSLY. Are people THAT bored that they scope out techy newsgroups to
complain about a system they dont like? I mean, you will see me post when im
on lunch or waiting for a meeting. But How lame can you be when you spend
all day posting about how awful a product is and actually working to find new
and creative ways to do it? Its kinda sad. well,.. Its REALLY sad. I dont
mind much since it gives me something to read when Im eating lunch at my
desk. But it scares me how psychotic people get over something as
unimportant as what version of OS other people use.

And just a note to Doris day. You were hawt before you started being such a
basher on the boards. Bring back the helpful doris and spread the love to
everyone. Ok. Have a good Tuesday. Some of us have to do some work today.

Chad Harris


The best way to complain about the bugs that Sinofsky forced Vista to ship
with is to directly correspond with the PMs and developers on the teams who
made the features with the bugs they hadn't fixed they were forced to ship.
Then you're not lame you are competent; you can actually put your message
where it might effect change, and conserve your valuable time.

Best way to raise a kid is for him to be fluent in at least Apple, Windoz,
and Linux and many are.

How 'bout ole Redmond MSFT hiring of the Linux Foundation's Director of
Engineering to lol develop Linuxcomb and Linoffice?

"Microsoft has quietly hired Tom Hanrahan, formerly the Linux Foundation's
director of engineering, to become its Director of Linux Interoperability.
As part of his responsibilities, Hanrahan will manage the Microsoft/Novell
Interoperability Lab that Microsoft began staffing up earlier this year.

Hanrahan began his Linux career at IBM's Linux Technology Center in
Beaverton, Oregon, where he served as senior program manager in charge of
software development and testing. In this position, he oversaw the work of
many of IBM's leading Linux kernel developers and sub-maintainers. In
September of 2003, he moved to the OSDL (Open Source Development Labs) where
he served as director of Linux engineering. After the OSDL merged with the
Free Standards Group to form the Linux Foundation, he continued to serve in
the role of director of Linux engineering.

The Microsoft and Novell Interoperability Lab, according to Sam Ramji,
Microsoft's director of platform technology strategy, "will focus on
interoperable virtualization between Windows and SLES (SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server). This lab will be part of the product engineering teams for both
companies." In particular, it will work on "Virtualization, Office
OpenXML/ODF interoperability, WS-Management interoperability, and directory

A Microsoft spokesperson told Linux-Watch that "Tom will head up the new
Microsoft/Novell Interoperability Lab, announced last fall as part of
Microsoft and Novell's historic agreement [related story]. As outlined, the
two companies are working together to create a joint development facility at
which Microsoft and Novell technical experts will architect and test new
software solutions and will work with customers and the community to build
and support these technologies."




I say vista and microsoft is like my country goverment, too fat, cost a lot,
is slow, no intention to improve, and we have only because we have no choise


Chad Harris said:
The Lewis Libby countdown to prison continues, with Louie Louie Scooter
scootin' toward prison from Reggie Walton's courtroom (he will get a
letter from BOP mandating his reporting) as his 12 luminary lawyers who
are all losing giving the multimillionaire liar pro bono appellate work as
they rush to the D.C.Circuit on the dumbest grounds ever. They will fail
and Scooter is stupid to think otherwise. Dershowitz is already well
aware of the futility.

10:1 idiot Bush pardons him before he ever serves a day...


Hash: SHA1
WHo said he ever even USED Vista? Honestly, I admit there are problems and
they can be seen as minor or major depending on what you need to do. but
SERIOUSLY. Are people THAT bored that they scope out techy newsgroups to
complain about a system they dont like? I mean, you will see me post when im
on lunch or waiting for a meeting. But How lame can you be when you spend
all day posting about how awful a product is and actually working to find new
and creative ways to do it? Its kinda sad. well,.. Its REALLY sad. I dont
mind much since it gives me something to read when Im eating lunch at my
desk. But it scares me how psychotic people get over something as
unimportant as what version of OS other people use.

And just a note to Doris day. You were hawt before you started being such a
basher on the boards. Bring back the helpful doris and spread the love to
everyone. Ok. Have a good Tuesday. Some of us have to do some work today.

Can't fault you on any of your comments.
How sad it is to be so besotted about which operating system other
people use.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org



Mario said:
... And good ideas lost in corruption, see longhorn concept in youtube ...

Well, the virus / malware writers decided to launch a massive wide-scale
attack and "flash" got put aside for security.


Doris Day - MFB

This reply is not coming from Outhouse Express, hence not top posted ...
Richard said:
Hash: SHA1

Can't fault you on any of your comments.
How sad it is to be so besotted about which operating system other
people use.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


How sad that people think they need to sign posts made to Usenet.

Love and Kisses,

My Microsoft Hero (he loves this company!) ... http://tinyurl.com/yp9cn2
Vista - easy to hack - a warning: http://tinyurl.com/2nv4yl
BallmerBumBois: Frank, Julian, Richard Urban, Jupiter Jones, Harry Krause,
Feliks Dzerzhinsky
Sorry if I missed anyone, place your name here _________________.