I also have a question about main and subform !!




I have a main with qry1 and subform with qry2. They are linked up by field1 and field2. In my main, I have field1 and field2 as controls. Both field1 and field2 are combo boxes. What I am trying to do is, when field1 is selected, use field1 to restrict field2 and then use field1+field2 to restrict the recordset in subform. For example
field1 = department
field2 = salesman
subform = displays all orders of the salesma

I will choose field1 first and then use field1 to filter field2 so that I can see salesmans of the particular deaprtment. When a salesman is chosen, all orders belong to this saleman will display in the subform

Does anyone have come aross this situation


Jeff Boyce


In the AfterUpdate event of your first combo box, add in something like:


to refresh the list displayed by the second combo box. That second combo
box's query needs to "point" to the first combo box as a criterion for the
salesman's department. Use, as a criterion, something like:


to pass the choice of the first combo box to the query that sets the second.

If your subform is using the appropriate fields for the parent/child
property values, selecting a salesman in the second combo box should give
the subform what it needs to find related records.

Jeff Boyce


From your description, it sounds like the query underlying your subform
doesn't understand what it's to do. How do you set the subform's source?


Hi Jeff, Thanks for your reply.
Let's forget this thread as I believe we cannot fully program subform comparing to IBM CICS or Oralce.

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