Hyperlinks to bookmarks in external docs



Hello, I often giveth but this time I'm on the take.
I'm having a problem getting an externally linked .pdf file to open at the
specific place in the document that I want it to. When I insert the
hyperlink in Word (2000), I add a # at the end of the file name, then the
text name of the bookmark as it appears in the Acrobat file, with no spaces
before or after the #. The toggled field reads "path/file" \l "bookmark
text". The doc only opens on page 1, not where the bookmark is.

I can't use the Adobe "open at page #" preference because I want it to open
at different places for different hypers.

I've gotten it to work before, but not this time. Don't know why. Is there
a setting within Word, the hyperlink, or .pdf file that would allow this?

Thanks, Jim.


Have looked for the answer to your question for a year and a half, with no
definitive results. Developed a program initially all in Word but now using
bookmarked Acrobat documents. . . would like to go from Word hyperlink direct
to specific Acrobat bookmark. Have tried your process (#"bookmark text)
without success. You mentioned, "I've gotten it to work before, but not this
time." Is there something I'm missing? It has not worked for me. Don't
understand your: "The toggled field reads "path/file" \l "bookmark text".
What does the \l mean? Opening in Page/Bookmark view is OK for me. Not
functional to print the Word document to Acrobat. Please comment if you have

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