Hyperlinks & PowerPoint Viewer 97



Please note that I'm working with PowerPoint Viewer 97 (as there is no
workaround for that annoying virus warning that pops up in the 2003 viewer).

If I start the PowerPoint Viewer 97, and then select the presentation to run
from the list that appears in the dialogue box, all the links work as
intended. Splendid. But the client does not want to have to go through
this extra step. Fair enough.

If I run the Viewer from a batch file and have it automatically load the
presentation (ppview32.exe ortho.ppt), it can not find links outside of the
presentation (i.e. it will link to Slide 4, for example, but it won't link
to info.doc and start Word).

Important Notes:
All of the hyperlinks are relative links (i.e. they contain NO path
All of the links were created with the linked files already in the same
directory as the rest of the files.

The readme.txt file that comes with Viewer 97 hints at this issue with the

"Hyperlinks to other presentations may not work properly if Slide Show is
run automatically during the unpack process. Instead, open the file
manually from PowerPoint Viewer after unpacking is complete."

So is there a way - perhaps within a batch file - to replicate the two-step
process the Viewer requires without requiring any user intervention?

Many thanks and Happy Holidays,

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