Hyperlink takes forever to open



I have a powerpoint presentation with hyperlinks to open several web pages on
our company intranet. If I navigate to the pages through IE they load fine,
but if i open the pages through the links in PowerPoint they take forever to
load. If I kill the slideshow, they load right away. Any ideas?


Steve Rindsberg

I have a powerpoint presentation with hyperlinks to open several web pages on
our company intranet. If I navigate to the pages through IE they load fine,
but if i open the pages through the links in PowerPoint they take forever to
load. If I kill the slideshow, they load right away. Any ideas?

One possibility:

When you launch links via the browser, the browser is already open and running.

When you launch browser links from a slide show, PPT tells Windows to launch the
default browser and open the requested link. If the browser's not already
running, that can add time.

If you close the browser after visiting each link and then switch back to the
slide show, each subsequent link will have to re-launch the browser.

Try using Alt+Tab to switch back to the slide show, leaving the browser open.
Does that help?

If not, it may be a different issue altogether. Overly aggresive antivirus
software possibly. Try shutting it off temporarily (and ideally only while
disconnected from the inter (as opposed to intra) net.


thanks for your reply. The problem doesn't seem to have anything to do with
launching the browser. Even when I have the browser open, it opens a new
window for each link. The first link takes like 5 minutes to open. What's
interesting is that after I open one link and wait 5 minutes for it to open,
the others open instantly (but in seperate windows).

I disabled my virus software and that didn't seem to make any difference
either. I've talked to other users and found out that they are experiencing
the same problem. Our computers are all set up using a common image so it
must be something to do with our setup.

Steve Rindsberg

Drat. I can't think of anything else offhand, other than to make sure that there
isn't a lot of CPU load:

Advance to the first slide with links
Advance to the next slide then return to this slide (sounds nuts but there's a reason
for it)

Now try a link.

If that still takes a long time to launch, color me mystified I'm afraid.

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