Hyperlink - Passing a cell reference



I feel like I'm getting very close to calling my executable file from
within my Excel spreadsheet. My executable requires I pass one
parameter which is a fully qualified file path and filename. I can
successfully execute the .Exe (with no parameter) by using this
Hyperlink function:

=HYPERLINK("c:\ttmsapps\compiled\deletefile.exe", "Delete")

What I can't seem to get is the syntax passing a cell reference as a
parameter. When I attempt it referencing cell F5 like this:

=HYPERLINK("c:\ttmsapps\compiled\deletefile.exe " & F5, "Delete")

I can mouse over the hyperlink and see that it shows the ' & F5'
resolving properly. However, when I click on the hyperlink I get the
error "Cannot locate the Internet server or Proxy server".

Any suggestions here?

By the way, cell F5 resolves to:


Is it true there are bugs in the Hyperlink function that might b
preventing the cell reference from resolving

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