Hyperlink Function



I have a cell, let's say A1, which contains a sentence(The one way to
get to the brown fox is through the quick cab ride there.) for example.
What I want to know is if there's any way to have only the "brown fox"
part of that sentence to be a hyperlink but the rest of the sentence to
be just regular text. Thank, I appreciate the help.

JE McGimpsey

One workaround I've used occasionally:

Enter your sentence and character format "brown fox" as desired (e.g.,
blue and underlined).

Using the drawing toolbar, create a text box. Size it to cover the
words. Format it to be transparent, no border, and set protection to
move and size with cells. Assign a hyperlink to the textbox.

Note, this works best on worksheets that are protected, otherwise
resizing the column may cause the words to wrap, extend to the next
cell, etc. so that the textbox no longer covers the words.

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