HTTPHandler doesnt seem to execute



I have implemented a HTTPHandler named ThumbnailGenerator.ashx to generate
thumbnails for images. I have referenced this within my aspx file in the
ImageUrl property of the Img control. When I debug the ashx page by setting
it as the start page, the handler executes ( and also writes a debug line on
the Application event log). But when I debug the aspx page, it sets the
ImageUrl property and executes properly, but doesnt seem to execute the
handler. I do not see the Images and I cannot find the debug line on the
event log as well.

Pls note: No specific namespace is written within the HttpHandler and no
additional code is used in the web.config for the handlers. When i add such
code in web.config (htthandlers section), it gives errors that the specified
type could not be loaded. I have read in many places that this change is not
required as its handled by the ISAPI filter directly.

Please advice.



I think there may be a bit of confusion here between HttpModule and ASHX
HttpHandler. An ASHX handler must always be called directly as if it were a
web page, e.g. <img src="myhttphandler.ashx">
ASHX has nothing to do with ISAPI filters, they only work under the ASP.NET
paradigm. Hope that helps.

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