Http Handler Question


Joe Spooner


This may seem very obvious to someone else, but I'm at a loss for an
answer to this problem.

I have written an HttpHandler that opens up an html file and returns a
string. This works great, but what if I have a file that is .aspx? I
realize that I'm always going to get just straight text/string as my
output, but I don't know what to look for or call in order to process
the .aspx correctly.

My goal is to have a url like open
up the file mypage.html and also wrap a design around it. The current
method that I have in place works great for static navigation, but
will not work for something that needs to be compiled by the aspnet

Below is a very simplified diagram of what I'm trying to do:

web.config is:
<add verb="*" path="*.aspx,*.htm"
type="CALS.CalsHandler,CalsHandler" />

handler code is:
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
HttpResponse objResponse = context.Response;
HttpRequest objRequest = context.Request;
PageBuilder pgBuild = new PageBuilder();

Note that PageBuilder is an object designed to create the output for
the browser (string not aspx).


John Saunders

Brian W said:
Take a look at

Brian, we should remind people that "This member supports the .NET Framework
infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.".

Of course, I use it also, in the absence of any
"GetTheStandardHttpHandlerFor" method. Take a hint, Microsoft!

Joe Spooner


I agree with you totally. If I could implement something like
GetTheStandardHttpHandlerFor, then I would feel a lot happier about
putting this into a large web application.

For now my best solution is to use the following design (aka -

1. Catch .html extension
2. Use a template (aspx) to open the html file and also provide the
design for content by using the PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance. I
create a querystring off of the .html file name & directory and pull
the file out that way.

This is truly not cool and not elegant, but I know it will work. I
hope Microsoft catches on to this and makes some changes so that web
app's and web sites can be more object oriented (at least in my
limited perspective).


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