Howto get the current file path with SSI


Eranga Udesh

Hi All,

In my ASP file, located at the "/test" directory of the website, I include
another ASP file as below.

<!--#include file="../templates/_header.asp"-->

Inside the _header.asp file, how can I get the current file (_header.asp)
directory? I need to get the web relative/absolute directory of _header.asp,
but instead even if I can get the physical directory location of that file
should be fine.

I tried Request.ServerVariables("") with almost all the variables, but none
gave me what I wanted. This is necessory, becase the location of _header.asp
and the file which includes that can vary.

Please give me a help/clue as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance!

Aaron Bertrand [MVP]

You can't, since the ASP code inside the include file thinks it is being
executed from the file calling it. One thing you might consider is
declaring a variable in the parent file, and referencing it in the #include

scr = request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
includedPath = left(scr,instrRev(scr,"/")-1) & "/templates/_header.asp"
<!--#include file="../templates/_header.asp"-->

(Then reference the includedPath variable within the include file.)

Next time, please take a look at your cross-post list. This has nothing to
do with databases or components, and certainly has nothing to do with
ASP.NET. Followups set to asp.general ONLY.

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