HowTo AutoUpdate a WebApplication




Hope someone can help me with this problem. I made an ASP.NET application,
let's call it As I have regulary updates for this
application, I want to upgrade the version trough web. What I did is, I
created a new application called ... when I launch this
application, then it gets the latest files and copies it to the folder of

I have now the following problems. I have to change all permissions so that
the update-Application can overwrite the other files. That is ok, but would
be nice, if this can be done somehow automaticly.

But now comes the mainproblem: When I try to overwrite thy myapp.dll it
always says, "The process cannot access fhe file "C:\..... myapp.dll"
because it is being used by another process" - So, how can I solve this. Or
do I have to make it different with the updater? Do I have to integrate it
in the myapp.dll? But think, than it's impossible to overwrite it.

Would be happy for any good ideas & hints

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