Howdy Troops

Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all, I'm kind of a Newbie to all this forum stuff although I've had my PC for a couple of years now, so I'll be asking alot of stupid questions :confused: no doubt, So be gentle with me.
I was going to ask a Hardware question but thats not how it's done is it?...................(go to the hardware section) duh!
so I'll be asking alot of stupid questions
No such thing as a 'stupid question' just sometimes we don't know the answer. :p

Welcome to PCReview.

I have come across people giving stupid answers but yet to come across anyone with a stupid question! :D

Welcome to PC Review! :)
wotcha bigslim, welcome to pcreview :)

don't be afraid to ask any questions, if it takes us the right way we'll mock you mercilessly and fall about laughing :D

erm, no *cough* as mucks said, honest ;)

bit of a Jethro fan are we? :)
welcome to PC review! I am the guy who asks alot of questions... they were problably stupid too...
Thanks everybody for the warm welcome, I'm kinda new as I said before but I'm also a quick learner so maybe one day I'll be giving advice and not asking for it:o .

floppybootstomp vbmenu_register("postmenu_35073", true);
comfortably numb(but not comfortably dumb) Yea m8 a big Jethro fan, among others.

And hello gabriella, (another Gemini) thank you flower XXX
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Welcome dude,

Enjoy your stay here! You ever need any advice on a good game, or want to know what a certain game is like i'll do me best to help ;).