Howdy Doody

Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hi everyone
New to the forums so just a quick intro.My names Phil (Hence the user name, boring or what!)I'm quite old and completely computer illiterate so there will probably be lots of questions from me regarding how to's etc.Just got broadband which is quite an achievement when you consider the size of the one horse town i live in(we've only just got electricity)
Anyway thats enough of the drivel
Live long and prosper
Hello & Welcome to the show ... Phil

I'm as old as the moon but not quite as old as the sun. :D
Bienvenue Phil,welcome to pcreview

hope u can learn a lot from here, this place has helped me a lot over the last 2 years or so, there really are some helpful people here with kind hearts.

enjoy your stay
Thanks for the welcome:)

Off to work in 10mins (callout)its a bummer being on call 24/7:( But it pays the bills
howdy... enjoy your stay.
im just new here but ive found a lot of helpful stuff here from the members.
enjoy your stay.
Hello Phil, Enjoy your stay..

Just a thought but I wonder if Yoda ever considered moisturiser ?