Howdy All

Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
Elo everyone, have only just joined the site and am already impressed with what people know here! Originally came looking to see what people thought of MicroDirect...suffice to say i wont be buying anything from them - nor anyone who uses Amtrak - thanks for the advice with that!
Anyways this is an introduction, so ill introduce myself...I currently am using an old school Athlon XP 1800, but with enough RAM to keep me ticking sound however is a diff story, as i have Gigaworks and Audigy ZS. Im looking to upgrade in the very near future and would greatly appreciate any advice you might have...currently i was looking at the following, and any criticism of it would be ideal if it helps!
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Winchester
Asus A8V/Deluxe
Coolermaster Wavemaster
Hiper 350W PSU
120Gb Maxtor SATA drive
Corsair 512MB 3200 RAM (to top up the 512 already in current system)
GeForce 6800 128Mb GPU

I will be getting the other parts (dvd drive, floppy etc) when my ex's bf buys my comp but at the moment thats what im looking at.
Welcome DuffMan :)!

That PC spec looks pretty nice, but if i were you i would try saving your money for abit longer and get a better graphics card to pair with the lovely processor you chose ;). Something like a 6800GT.

Other than that its a pretty nifty system, i especially like the case, definatly my favourite case out at the moment ;).
Welcome :D Looks like a nice system you have spec'd there!
Hi Duffman :)

I can see MicroDirect out of my window and I'm giving them a particularly nasty 'evil' on your behalf ;) I'm glad it brought you to join us though!
Hello Duffman, as Reef said save and get a Geforce GT.
Thanks for the advice, now i have the decision of either getting most parts minus the GPU or just wait...hmmm. On a similar note - do you think it would be worth waiting for the nforce4 boards, or will the A8V be sufficient (rev.2) Ive heard promising things about them, and either way would mean i would have to upgrade GPU. Also, what RAM would be supported, all the way from the humble 2100 and upto current spec on the nforce4 boards? Btw, i found easyetrader a good company to use, and - both use initial city link - which i recommend!
Hey Duffman, welcome to the forums, i know i haven't been a member long, but it's just so good here and everyone is so friendly and full of advice and knowledge you can't go wrong.

Btw i'm curious, has duffman been doing any gyrating of late and if so, in any particular direction :P