How Yall Doin?


Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
hello everyone my name is Alf.
I come from a land as dry as my humor, New Mexico! theres not much here, maybe a few trees, a river... mostly a desert. it's actually is not so bad here.
I enjoy video games, and a little Iron Maiden. Actually alot of Iron Maiden.
theres not much to say about me, Im just here. so calm your self down and enjoy your day.
Remeber---> "Make Lunch, Not War" ancient Chinese Proverb, i think....
Welcome dude,

Hope ya enjoy your stay >..< .

The weather good where you are, like nice n sunny most the time?
Hi Alf! Never been to Mexico... any chance you could post some pics in the gallery so the uncultured few among us can see what it's like? :)
Hello Alf

As requested some pics would be nice addition to the gallery
Hello Alf all the way from down south in mexico way :D

How you doing Gringo?

In all seriousness (if I can but be that way for one nanosecond) How are things with you mate? :)

And jolly nice to see you here :cool:
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Umm... I believe he said "New Mexico" as in "NM" as in a state in the US of A

not Mexico as in South America
christopherpostill said:
Umm... I believe he said "New Mexico" as in "NM" as in a state in the US of A

not Mexico as in South America
Oh bugger :D

Ah........ I give up, hehe....

Excuse me, I know, I'm supposed to be resonsible and stufff, but..

oh stoppit (I currently have a fit of the giggles, normal service will be resumed as soon as possible)
Have you been down to the Cutty Sark again for a pint or 10??


it looks like everyone else thinks he meant Mexico too...

...poor blokes probably thinking what a bunch of unsophisitcated toe rags...
Perhaps Alf ment.... New Mexico Street, Birmingham ...or

That place only has one tree too!...
lol, New Mexico not mexico. lots of peeps acually think native americans still live in tepees!
Amazing eeh? as for pics i could probably take a picture of the dirt out side. But the best pics of New mexico are always going to be of sunset, we got the best down here. Thanks for for all the welcomes! Im Sure i'll get to know everyone!
Pretty Neat eehh! I think this ones over A lake called Elephant Butte (big boulder in the middle of the lake looks like a elephant). Where i live we get cool looking sunsets like that. weather wise, it pretty dry, we just came out of a 1 year drought!
Awesome... I actually have that photo printed and blue tacked on my wall...

I noticed you changed your location thingy...
Really Chris? Well, its not like i got it off the internet or nothing...ahem...heheh...*koff*
About the location, i figured that i change it so people wont think i live in mexico or something. We are a State you know.