How to use Picture as template



Hi All,

I have a professionally designed invoice that was created i
I want to use it as the layout for my invoices in Excel, rather tha
using the an excel invoice template.

Problem is, when I enter the jpeg invoice into excel, it doesn't allo
me to select the cells covered by the jpeg.
i.e ...the cells I want to select are where I would enter th
description for what i'm billing.

* I tried making the jpeg a background, but then it doesn't print th
* I tried saving it as a template, but it still wouldn't let me selec
the cells.

Any ideas ?


Bryan Hessey

My only idea for a JPeg is to insert two copies, crop the top one up to
where you want the rows to appear, crop the bottom one down to where
you want the rows to appear, and see the rows in the middle.

Hopefully there are better ideas

Dave Peterson

You should be able to use the arrow keys to select the cells under the picture.

You can watch the namebox (to the left of the formulabar) if you lose track of
your position.

Although, I would think entering data under the picture wouldn't help a whole

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