How to use ActiveX parameters in the codebehind in .NET



I have created an ActiveX and load it into the Component in ToolBox in the
Visual Studio IDE.

After create a web form project (VB.NET), I drag the activeX component into
the web form design, set ID and name for it in the property, and the HTML
looks like:
<OBJECT id="AxCarControlID" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 56px; WIDTH: 616px;
POSITION: absolute; TOP: 304px; HEIGHT: 120px"
classid="clsid:65A0EEC0-745F-11D3-B92E-0020781238D4" name="AxCarControlName"
<PARAM NAME="_cx" VALUE="16298">
<PARAM NAME="_cy" VALUE="3175">
<PARAM NAME="Animate" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="Speed" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="MaxSpeed" VALUE="0">

There is no reference automatically generated.

In the code behind, I try to type code in the Page_Load():

txtPetName.Text = AxCarControlName.PetName
txtMaxSpeed.Text = CStr(AxCarControlName.MaxSpeed)

But the system does not identify the name of the activeX, AxCarControlName.
So I can not comple the code.

I think that I did something wrong.

How to use the parameters of the activeX and activeX and interaction between
the web form and the activeX?

Thank you for any help



I may have to know how to implement the activeX interaction with web user
from web form


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