How to use a recordset to validate and entry?


Steve in MN

I have a form where user enters a BOL number (bill of lading) and on lost
focus of that field i would like it to be able to go out and look at another
table to see if that BOL is a valid number.
Can someone give me an idea on how to do this?

Allen Browne

Use DLookup() in the AfterUpdate event procedure of this text box.

If you need help, see:
Getting a value from a table: DLookup()

Use the text box's BeforeUpdate event (and set Cancel=True) if you want to
jam the user in this text box until they enter a valid number or undo (by
pressing Esc.)

Mark Grizzle

Use the lost focus event for the control to open a recordset to seach for
the bol number. Psuedo code follows...

Sub field_lost_focus

On error goto LocalError

Dim cnn as adodb.connection
Dim rs as adodb.recordset
Dim sql as string

Sql = "select count(1) from bol_table where bolfield = '" & me.bolnumber &
"' "

'load an ado connection sql, cnn

If rs.fields(0) = 1 then
'record found
'record not found
End if

Set rs = nothing

exit sub

'handle error
resume exithere

End sub

Hope this helps,

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